Assembly Overview

Hermitage Park is a non-denominational school which has a large and diverse school community. We welcome many different faiths and cultures to our school. We have links with Leith St. Andrews church and we regularly use the church as a venue for our Christmas and Easter celebrations.

Time for Reflection was previously known as Religious Observance within a school. At the heart of TfR is to develop every learner as an individual. This means helping them to grow and develop their own sense of themselves, to be confident in expressing their own beliefs and values, and to develop an understanding of and empathy towards others. Parents have the right to withdraw their children from Time for Reflection. Parents who wish to exercise their right to withdraw their child from religious observance should contact the school, in writing, and alternative arrangements will be made in collaboration with parents.

We hold weekly assemblies on a Fridays and they are led by either Ms. Calder-Kelly, a class or another member of the school leadership team. They focus on themes which are relevant to the school values, Rights Respecting Schools and the school calendar. We will also have additional whole school events throughout the year where we may invite guests eg, school minister, representative from the local mosque or the local food-bank.

Proposed dates for Time for Reflection for this coming academic year are:

Building Resilience Reflections – 20th September, 29th November,  21st February, 27th March, 19th June

Leith St. Andrews Church – 13th December (Christmas Service), 3rd March (Easter Service)


The latest guidance from the Scottish Government can be found by clicking the link below:

Time for Reflection Scottish Government